Sometimes your card may not work for very simple reasons that are easy to fix on your own.
Here are some things to check:
- Have you completed your profile at 100%? Once you have successfully completed all verification stages (validated identity documents, verified postal address and alertness detection) you will be able to use your card throughout the entire MasterCard network and benefit from higher limits.
If you have not completed your profile to 100%, go to "My Account" on our website or on our MyPCS mobile app. - Is your balance sufficient? Your card is prepaid, which means that it's impossible to be overdrawn. You simply need to top it up to be able to use it again.
- Are you sure that your card is not locked? For security reasons, you are able to lock your card by SMS or via your mobile app. If your card is locked you cannot use it. Unlock it and use it!
If it's not the case, we invite you to contact one of our advisors on 0 811 880 200 in order to establish a diagnosis of your card.
Our customer service is open from Monday to Friday between 9am and 7pm, and on Saturdays between 10am and 5pm.