Online shopping has so many advantages: travel savings, good deals, time savings… More and more French people are choosing this solution. You can’t finalize an order because your card is refused at the time of payment on the Internet? These things happen. To help you solve this problem, we have listed here the main reasons for a refusal of payment by credit card online.
You have exceeded your limit
If your card payment is refused by the merchant site where you wish to make your purchases, it is possible that you have exceeded the amount available on your account. If your bank imposes a maximum limit per week or per month, transactions are automatically blocked beyond this limit. If you use a systematic authorization card or a prepaid card, you may not have enough funds available to pay for this purchase. The first thing to do is to check your bank account, or the balance on your reloadable card.
You use a type of card that is not accepted by the site
The fact that your card is refused at the time of payment on the Internet may also be related to the type of card you use. Some merchant sites are reluctant to accept certain types of cards, such as systematic authorization cards, because they have security problems. If this is the case, you can repeat the transaction with :
- A debit card;
- A credit card;
- A prepaid card.
The latter is accessible to everyone without any terms and has the added advantage of securing your online transactions, since it is not linked to any bank account.
Refusal of payment on the Internet: the card has expired
Did you remember to check the expiration date of your payment card before ordering online? All cards have an expiration date, written on the front of the card. After this date, the card is considered expired and can no longer be used. If your card is rejected when you pay online, the reason may be as simple as that. If your card has passed its expiration date, you will need to get a new one from your bank. Usually your bank will have already mailed you a new card. If this is not the case, you can :
- Contact your advisor to ask for your new payment card to be sent to you;
- Go to your branch to pick it up directly.
Once you have your new card, you will be able to renew your purchase online without any problems.
Have you recently blocked your card?
Your card can also be refused when paying on the Internet if it has been blocked beforehand. Perhaps you have recently cancelled your card, thinking that you have lost it? In this case, your bank will immediately block all transactions with the card in question. This is an emergency measure to protect your money in case of theft or loss. The blocking is irreversible, even if the card is found a few minutes or hours after the report. If this happens, you will not be able to use the card and you will have to get a new one.
Your new bank card is not activated
If you have just obtained this card and this is the very first time you are using it, the problem may also come from there. If you have never activated it, then it is normal that the card will be refused at the time of payment on the Internet. In fact, to make a new card functional, you need to make your first withdrawal or payment in a physical store. Prepaid cards must be activated by text message.
You made a mistake in entering the numbers
Your card is refused when paying on the Internet and you have checked all the causes previously mentioned. It is not a case of exceeding the limit, expired validity, systematic authorization, blocked or non-activated card. Another possible reason for this refusal is that you made a mistake when entering the numbers. The merchant site did not recognize the validity of the card and could not confirm the payment. Go back and try again, taking care to retype the 16-digit code, the expiration date and the cryptogram of your credit card.
There are many reasons why a card payment on the Internet may be refused. If the problem does not come from you, it can also be an error of the merchant site. It may be subject to a temporary bug or be undergoing maintenance. If this is the case, you can wait a bit and renew your payment in a few hours. If the refusal persists, do not hesitate to contact the customer service of your payment card to obtain more information.