Following the issue of bad checks or unpaid monthly installments, you find yourself in a situation of bank ban. You are registered with the Banque de France, your checkbooks and payment cards confiscated until your debts are regularized. However, you have the project to set up your own business but you are facing some doubts. Is it possible to be an auto-entrepreneur and have a bank ban? The answer is YES! Discover here all our advices to succeed in your project.
Being an auto-entrepreneur and being banned from banking: it is possible!
The creation of a micro-enterprise (formerly auto-entreprise) is not incompatible with a bank ban. People who are registered with the Banque de France are perfectly entitled to set up and run a sole proprietorship.
Use your personal account for your micro-business
The deposit of capital and the opening of a professional account are not mandatory for auto-entrepreneurs (under certain terms), which makes things easier for you. The opening of a professional account dedicated to your auto-entrepreneur activity is not mandatory if your annual turnover remains below 10 000 € during the first two years. If this is your case, you can run your business with your personal bank account, which saves you additional steps.
On the other hand, as an auto-entrepreneur and banker, your means of payment linked to this account are greatly limited? Rest assured, there are solutions. The rechargeable prepaid card is one of them!
The prepaid card: an asset for bankrupts
Being registered with the Banque de France prevents you from obtaining a bank card and a checkbook. For the transactions necessary to the functioning of your auto-business, you must therefore be satisfied with bank transfers and checks. But not only that! There is another interesting solution: the rechargeable payment card.
This type of card without account and available without income term is completely accessible to the auto-entrepreneurs forbidden to bank. It can be obtained in supermarkets, on specialized websites or at tobacconists. The rechargeable prepaid card can be topped up by bank transfer or by purchasing recharge coupons. It allows you to make :
- Online payments;
- Payments in physical stores;
- Bank transfers;
- Withdrawals.
With a rechargeable card, you can also receive transfers that top up your balance! The use of this card is limited to the amount available and previously loaded on it, and thus you avoid any risk of overdraft and overspending. With the prepaid card, you are the only person to manage your money and are totally independent from the banks. It can therefore represent an ideal solution to run your business during your banking ban period.
How to open an auto-entrepreneur business account when you are not allowed to use a bank account ?
Opening a professional account is not mandatory for micro-businesses, although it is strongly recommended. And if your annual turnover exceeds 10 000 €, then you have no choice. But don’t panic! Although the procedure is a little more complex for those who are not allowed to bank, it is quite possible.
The right to a bank account is designed to allow anyone, regardless of their situation, to have access to a bank account. If the banks refuse, you can use this right to open your professional bank account.
You are wondering how to benefit from your right to a bank account? Here are the steps to follow.
Go to several banks and ask them to open a professional account. Your status as an auto-entrepreneur with a bank ban will often cause them to refuse. Don’t go empty-handed and ask for your certificate of refusal each time.
You can then put together your application for the right to an account. It must contain :
- A copy of your identity card;
- A proof of address;
- The certificates of refusal issued by the banks.
You must then submit this file to your local Banque de France branch, requesting your right to a business account. After a few days, the Banque de France will designate a bank where you can open your business account. The bank in question will have no choice but to open your account within 3 days.
You now have all the cards in hand to succeed in your project of becoming an auto-entrepreneur while being bank banned. As far as financing and aid to launch your business is concerned, there are several such organizations such as ADIE (offering micro-credits to bankrupts), ACCRE (allowing the exemption of social charges) or NACRE (offering support and financial aid).